Northamptonshire Battlefield Society
Formed to promote and protect the site of the 1460 Battle of Northampton, the Society now covers all the county’s battlefields and related history. It holds regularly monthly meetings with nationally known speakers on a variety of relevant topics, and publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Wild Rat.

Northamptonshire Battlefield Society exhibition

Northamptonshire Battlefield Society exhibition

Mike Ingram at the Eleanor Cross

A gathering of Society members

Wreath laying on the 10 July at the Eleanor Cross
Last Thursday of each month (except August and December) at 7:30pm at Delapre Abbey.
£20 annual membership, £30 family membership, £5 meeting entry (non-members).
Talks/tours offered
The Society can offer talks on a variety of local and general history subjects, as well as tours of local battlefields. The list of talks is constantly being updated, and includes:
The Battle of Northampton 1264
The Battle of Northampton 1460
The Battle of Edgcote 1469 - a battle, a betrayal and a barmaid
The Battle of Naseby 1645
Northamptonshire's Country Houses in the English Civil War
How to Become King in Medieval England
William Boteler - Northamptonshire's Swordsman: Boulter was the military governor of Northamptonshire under Oliver Cromwell, and a former pupil at Oundle School
The Monstrous Regiment – Women in Combat throughout history
Battlefield tours are offered of both the 1460 and 1469 battlefields on their anniversaries, and a wreath laying is conducted at the Eleanor Cross at 2pm on the 10 July annually
Contact us
Chair, Graham Evans
47 The Ashway
Brixworth NN6 9TZ