Holy Sepulchre (Northampton) Restoration Trust
A rare round 1100AD medieval church where an exciting history has been brought to life through the centuries.
Worship, unbelievable history, militaria, concerts, theatre and numerous royal connections capture the hearts of our many visitors. The Trust has been running over 175 sell out fund raising concerts since 1982, including a full house for Last Night of the Proms (featured below). Military bands, local bands and schools have all contributed to perform in the world-famous building raising tens of thousands of pounds. More than 150,000 visitors have enjoyed visiting this world famous building since 1982.
Tours offered
Group tour booking by appointment - charges apply - call for more details
Visit us
Holy Sepulchre
Sheep Street
Northampton NN1 2LY
Trust Registered Office
22 Lyncrest Avenue
Northampton NN5 5PE
01604 754782
www.stsepsrestoration.co.uk (Restoration)
www.stseps.org.uk (Church)